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A wide variety of lenses are available: 11:1, 14:1, 21:1, 33:1, 62:1, 70:1, 72:1, 76:1, 88:1 ,99:1, 101:1 & 107:1
Ross 64 x 64 Ultrix router with 128 Channel Madi and 4 Multiviewer Heads
2 Routing Panels (1 dedicated to Engineering and 1 dedicated to VT)
1 Touchscreen Panel for General Switching use.
Full integration with UMD and Tally. 42” monitors in main Production wall with Dedicated Vision Mixer Multiview.
Fully routable Multiviewers available in Engineering, VT and Graphics positions.
Length 7.5 metres, Height 3.8 metres, Width 3.1 metres. (inc deployed steps)